Thursday, May 17, 2007

Two pillars moving out of my team.

This blog is to give tribute to my team members (Amudhan and Prabakar) who were moving out of the company for their better career growth. It is like losing Ganguly’s and Sachin’s wickets in the first two balls of the match. These two lads did lots for the team and contributed more than what they can do. Their loss is very high to compensate.

To say about these guys both of them were thick friends (like Amudhan and ila in VV :)). I learnt lot of things form these two guys. Both will be abscond in the same time from office and make the Team leader blink.

Amudhan is aggressive in all the things he does. He is very good in Table Tennis, Chess, Blogging, Game making and much more.

Prabakar is a cool guy and handles things with great care. He is very good in his accent, music, orkuting and friends making. He gives more importance to his friends than his family members. Still he has to learn TT from Amudhan :).His loss will affect me more than anybody else and need extra ability to tolerate.

Sangam wishes them good luck in all their future endeavors.


sri said...

Good luck guys!

sri said...

Good luck guys!

Amith said...

Wish you good luck guys!

Wherever you go keep an eye on this blogspot and do find time to write in something for us :)

Schumi said...

One side i am happy with your decision to leave as I reckon you guys believe in something i do " Nobody decides my fate,i define it"...

Will miss u guys over the TT table...

Amudhan: Was not able to make u c Alaipayuthey during your time in blog on it once you see it...

Prabhakar: Continue to entertain people just have u been doing in dangling style with the Sangam

Karthikeyan said...

All the best guys ! We will miss you in SaNGaM...